the one

Have you found “the one”? Or has “the one” got “stuck in traffic”? Whatever  stage  you are at, worrying and rushing won’t really help. Things will fall into place at the right time, just keep the faith… 😉

Valentine’s day is fast approaching so I thought this story might inspire some people.

I’ve been asked a number of times on how I met my husband  and how I knew that he’s the one.

My husband and I used to work in the same company together but we were in different departments and hardly spoke with one another. Come to think of it, I mostly mingle with the people I dealt with regularly.

Here’s how our first meeting went:
I was wandering around the office holding a large envelope when he approached me and asked “Are you looking for me?”.  (Apparently, he saw his name written on the envelope.)

With a blank stare, I replied with a frosty “No” and walked away.  

After several months, we ended up chatting and learned that we both like to watch anime at some point in our lives. We started talking about Ranma ½, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Naruto, Slam Dunk, etc.. Exchanging emails, chatting and going out for a hot beverage every now and then led to a good friendship.

At that stage of my life, I was no longer interested in entering a relationship and was planning to be single for life. I was already in my 30s and was  seriously considering “the back up plan” (similar to the movie “The Back Up Plan”… check it out if you haven’t seen it yet).

Although he had been single for almost four years, he was a bit apprehensive to start dating again after getting out of a draining 5-year relationship.

Cupid probably worked overtime to get us together because it took awhile before the friendship blossomed into a relationship.

Did it go smoothly?

The first three months was a roller coaster ride.

On top of all the typical challenges that a relationship has, we also needed to work out our cultural differences and language barrier. Suffice to say, we had some hurdles to overcome; I prayed daily that the relationship end sooner than later if he wasn’t “the one”.

As they say, if it’s meant to be… it will be.

The key to overcoming our differences was communication, compromise, and saying sorry when you’re at fault.

The rest is history.

After two years of dating, we had our wedding 1.0 followed by wedding 2.0. Why two weddings?

Hmmm…. until next post… 🙂

 k----  kk

Author: thecuriousme

what you see is what you get... :p

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