blog book

Click the following links to read the related blog posts:
farmville or farmtown?
cafe world
blog set up
thecuriousme history

2009… Frequent chest pains due to work related stress and getting hooked to games on Facebook (farmville and cafe world) prompted me to set up my blog site. In my point of view, blogging is a good way to vent out as well as inspire people. 🙂 It is a form of diversion that yields to a more productive result. It’s a lot better than playing online games. 😀

ring bind



I used blog2print to turn my blog into a book.  Editing and proofreading took months! From 2010-2013, I have written over 200 posts and compiled it all into two blog books that have over 200 pages in each book. 🙂 Isn’t that amazing? Whoa! I felt like I won the lottery! I gave the first copy to my family in the Philippines and printed another copy for myself.

2014-- 941
i-2014- 654 i-2014- 655

Several friends expressed their interest in getting a copy too; however, the printing cost is super expensive. -_- I’m still looking for a more affordable printing company. Please give me a shout ( if you know someone… :p

Third blog book is in progress… No candy crush for me! 🙂 See you later… alligator! 🙂


I’m back…  (…again)! 🙂

Before I get carried away blabbering about why I disappeared, I would like to thank Jellybean and Sothi for the enlightenment about the transformation of thecuriousme’s logo. Most of all, my heartfelt gratitude to Chihhang for helping J and @TheSoulfulVixen tweak the new look of the logo (click here to read the blog entry,”renovation”). Maraming salamat (Thank you very much)! 😀

Sooo… I had gone on hiatus for a couple of months (right… almost a year!!!)… Kinda like a submarine… You know… submarines float and then dive under the water… then resurface… then disappear again… -_-

Let’s just say, I was trying to live my life to the fullest and not waste time hiding in my cave. Yeah… I used to lock up in my nerd cave, living in a virtual world. I’ve realized that there’s more to life outside the four corners of my rock shelter! Life is indeed colorful and too short.

Expect to see fascinating new blog entries soon! 😉 FYI. Posts will be in no particular order.

To give you a birds eye view on some of the upcoming posts, here are some photos:





Olympic Village




Washington DC

New York

Are you ready? *blink* *blink* 😉


You’re not lost. Don’t worry, you’re still in thecuriousme site. I know it looks groovy! Thanks to my little sister, @TheSoulfulVixen, for creating the new classy logo and header. Yipey!


Right, thecuriousme is now evolving from a cute & naughty little fairy to a funky & sassy nerd. 😀  It’s some sort of transformation from “fairytale” to reality. 😀 I bet you’re getting pumped because you’ve just witnessed the first phase of thecuriousme “renovation”. 😉

naughty little fairy

funky&sassy nerd

No, the change is not a sudden decision. It has been in my to-do list for the last year to have a complete revamp of the site including the change of name. However, after contemplating for a few months, I have decided to stick with thecuriousme since it has already become my trademark.

More “interior” changes will happen soon whether you like it or like it. Ha!

blog set up

Part 1
It’s already been more than a year (arghhhh!) since I’ve been planning to set up my not so ordinary blog site. It’s damn frustrating because its more complicated than what I’ve thought… sigh…

I wanted to set it up with my own domain name and create the blog site on my own without using the “ready made” sites for blogging. Now, I’m contemplating if I would just do it using those sites…think… think… think…

Part 2
… Guess what? I ended up using the ready made sites. :p  I signed up for wordpress for the blog site as well as for the domain name and hosting/mapping whatnot.

WordPress made it easy breezy for the lay out, design, hosting, etc. but there are still technical stuff that I need to get used to in order to maximize its features.

Below are my two major goals in putting up the site:

  1. Publish personal experiences, views and opinions that could help inspire other creatures and inject a little sunshine in their world.
  2. Publish unedited (RAW and REAL! :D) photos.

 Yabadabadoo! I’ve finally started setting up my site with my own domain name.  It absolutely feels good! Keeping the momentum up and generating traffic is definitely a huge challenge but I’m apt for it. Aja!

(Note: Aja is my favorite Korean word which means fighting or fight!)
