Oh Virginia!

Did you know that one of Virginia’s nicknames is “Mother of Presidents”? It’s after the eight United States of America (U.S.A.) presidents who were born there, namely: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Woodrow Wilson. 😉 Thanks Wikipedia! Click this link for more interesting facts about Virginia.

In my opinion, that’s what makes Virginia one of the most special among the 50 states. It’s absolutely impressive! I was fortunate to spend Christmas with my relatives in Virginia and visit some magnificent tourist spots. You bet! Thanks to air miles for the free airfare. Woot!

Check out our sweet photos below:

Vilmor’s (my other cousin) New House
*** He was in the process of closing his house purchase when I was there for a visit.

Vilmor's new house - Virginia US 2012 - 299 Vilmor's new house - Virginia US 2012 - 309
Vimor's new house - Virginia - US 2012 - 763 Vilmor's new house - VirginiaUS 2012 - 296

Buffet Time!
*** Raiding Uptown Buffet and Hibachi Grill… I may be tiny but I eat like a monster… >=D

Buffet - Uptown Buffet - Virginia US 2012 - 180 Buffet - Uptown Buffet - Virginia US 2012 - 176
Buffet - Hibachi Grill - Virginia US 2012 - 765 Buffet - Hibachi Grill - Virginia US 2012 - 770

Christmas 2012
*** I lost interest in celebrating Christmas ever since my Mom passed away when I was 13 years old. After migrating to this side of the world and spending my first Christmas here alone, I started to long for a Filipino Christmas… my holiday in Virginia filled that void and rekindled my excitement for Christmas!

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Ate Pat’s lovely house
Christmas 2012 Virginia US 2012 - 195
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Ate Pat & TheCuriousMe
Christmas 2012 Virginia US 2012 - 166

Oh Virginia… Stay put, I will surely be back sometime. 🙂 More captivating pictures coming up!

Meeting Ate Pat was one of the highlights of my U.S.A. trip, she’s the only cousin on my father’s side that I have never met… or maybe I was just too young to remember. I’m glad that I was able to spend some quality time with her and strengthen our relationship as cousins. It’s both heartwarming and overwhelming. 😀